Tuesday, April 10, 2007

I had a great deal of trouble answering the assessments. I felt as though I was town between two options on almost all of the questions. But, never the less, these are my results (most of them ties):

I was equally a D and C (28-28). This means that, on the one hand, am I very analytical and have high standards for facts and credibility (C). And on the other I’m very assertive in telling someone what I want and also expect people to be very straightforward. (no nonsense) (D).

I am a ESTJ
Extravert: I prefer to focus on the “outer world”
Senser: I prefer dealing with tangible things like facts or data.
Thinker: I choose logic over emotion
Judger: I like to be organized and finish the things I start. “Linear Thinker”

I had the most trouble answering these questions. But apparently I’m a visual person, with auditory coming in a close second.

Conflict Management Style
Once again I tied. I’m the Competing or Forcing Shark along with the Collaborating Owl.

The Competing Shark
· Sharks use a forcing or competing conflict management style.
· Sharks are highly goal-oriented.
· Relationships take on a lower priority.
· Sharks do not hesitate to use aggressive behaviour to resolve conflicts.
· Sharks can be autocratic, authoritative, and uncooperative; threatening and intimidating.
· Sharks have a need to win; therefore others must lose, creating win-lose situations.
· Advantage: If the shark's decision is correct, a better decision without compromise can result.
· Disadvantage: May breed hostility and resentment toward the person using it.
· Appropriate times to use a Shark style:
o when conflict involves personal differences that are difficult to change
o when fostering intimate or supportive relationships is not critical
o when others are likely to take advantage of noncompetitive behavior
o when conflict resolution is urgent; when decision is vital in crisis
o when unpopular decisions need to be implemented

The Collaborating Owl
· Owls use a collaborating or problem confronting conflict management style valuing their goals and relationships.
· Owls view conflicts as problems to be solved finding solutions agreeable to all sides (win-win).
· Advantage: both sides get what they want and negative feelings eliminated.
· Disadvantage: takes a great deal of time and effort.
· Appropriate times to use an Owl Style:
o when maintaining relationships is important
o when time is not a concern
o when peer conflict is involved
o when trying to gain commitment through consensus building
o when learning and trying to merge differing perspectives

Source: Mastering Human Relations, 3rd Ed. by A. Falikowski 2002 Pearson Education http://www.pearsoned.ca

1 comment:

aprince22 said...

I had that trouble at times too, trying to choose between two answers. In the end I went with my first initial reaction. I hope you had fun with them though. It was interesting putting a "label" on my habbits and personality. :)